
Showing posts from September, 2021

Introduction: Hello!

 Hi! My name is Kayle. I’m currently in high school, and I thought it’d be fun to document my life. So, I’m in 11th grade, a month into the first semester. Let me tell you, I’m just absolutely miserable. Unlike middle school and the year prior, I just have no friends. I cut off all of my friends that weren’t actually friends, but now I think I have withdrawals because I’m starting to think that being surrounded by fake people might be better than being alone like this. I go to class alone, to lunch alone, stay at home on weekends— it’s really quite a mundane life. High school hasn’t been this wonderful fantastical experience that everyone said it would be; partly due to COVID-19. But, not only do I have negative friends, (as in I have less than one <<how’s that even possible you ask? I dunno.>>) but I’m also struggling with school in general. Sigh. I’m not introverted by any means. I was considered “popular” in my past school years, it’s just that now since I’ve cut off mys